On October 31, 2009, less than a month after being married, we welcomed a new member to our family. We named our little bundle of joy Jolene.
Jolene is a 1984 Rowe R-88 Jukebox we found listed on Craigslist. It had been a dream of mine for nearly a decade to have a jukebox of my own. I even went so far as to bid on a couple of ebay auctions. Ultimately, apartment living and financial responsibilities kept me from this dream.
Jolene had been posted a few times on Craigslist, and over time, the asking price kept dropping. We had been keeping our eyes on the listing, but we were about to be married, and money was tight. After the listing had been posted multiple times in a single day with the price dropping down to $200, the postings stopped for several days. We figured we had missed our chance.
Soon, though, Jolene popped back up on Craigslist, and I contacted the seller immediately.
I went to check out Jolene that night, and it was love at first sight. She was already loaded up with an impressive if inconsistent set of records, and she sounded great. After arranging to have my father-in-law come into town with his truck, we went to pick her up a few days later.
Jolene is the heaviest thing I have ever moved in my life. The included service manual states that she weighs about 375 pounds, but I feel like she might have put on a little weight. With the extra help of the seller, we loaded her into the pickup bed easily, but lowering her down at our place was a little scarier with only two of us on the job.
Pushing her down the walk to the front door, her wheels dug into the lawn, and getting her up the front steps was quite an effort.
It was all worth it, though, because now our pride and joy sits next to our fridge, emitting a warm glow all through the night. Jolene had found her new home.
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